Kiwanis Club of Minot presenting $15,000 check to Trinity Health Foundation.
The Kiwanis Club of Minot has a focus on the children.
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time. Minot Kiwanians volunteer their time and talents to help raise funds for the needy and offer relevant service to the Minot area community, with a focus on children.
Here are just a few Minot area organizations whose children benefit:
Companions for Children
Domestic Violence Crisis Center
Minot Area Council for the Arts’ Arts in the Schools Program
In lieu of speaker gifts, the club donates a new children’s book every single week to a local library or school. We firmly believe when you give a child a chance to learn, experience, dream and succeed, great things happen! As Kiwanis clubs and members, we see it everyday!
Our Mission & Vision
The Kiwanis mission is to serve the children of the world. In this pursuit, the organizations values were distilled to the Six Objects of Kiwanis International at the 1924 national convention in Denver, Colorado and remain today:
Object 1 – To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life.
Object 2 – To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships.
Object 3 – To promote the adoption and the application of higher social, business, and professional standards.
Object 4 – To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship.
Object 5 – To provide, through Kiwanis clubs, a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service, and to build better communities.
Object 6 – To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism, and goodwill.
Spirit of Music
Did we mention we have a band? The Minot Kiwanis Orchestra started in 1926 and continues today with what we refer to as “The World-Famous Minot Kiwanis Band,” which plays at every weekly meeting. Members have included musicians in the Minot Symphony Orchestra, Minot City Band, Minot State University faculty, International Music Camp coordinators and other lifelong musicians. Minot legends Arturo Petrucci and Hardy Lieberg led the band for many years. If you come to a meeting, be prepared to sing a tune! Music and fellowship are important aspects of our club.
Club History
Minot’s Kiwanis Club became official in 1921 when it got its charter and has been serving Minot area youth ever since. Minot Kiwanis’ most famous fundraiser, Kiwanis Pancake Day, has been running for more than 50 years and has become a tradition for Minot families to go for all-you-can-eat cakes, to join friends and help Minot area kids. Many community leaders have been a part of Kiwanis’ long and rich history, one of the most notable being former North Dakota Governor, now North Dakota Senator John Hoeven.
Club Calendar
Sorry, nothing found.About the Minot Kiwanis Club
The Kiwanis Club of Minot has a focus on the children.
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time. Minot Kiwanians volunteer their time and talents to help raise funds for the needy and offer relevant service to the Minot area community, with a focus on children.
Here are just a few Minot area organizations whose children benefit:
In lieu of speaker gifts, the club donates a new children’s book every single week to a local library or school. We firmly believe when you give a child a chance to learn, experience, dream and succeed, great things happen! As Kiwanis clubs and members, we see it everyday!
Our Mission & Vision
The Kiwanis mission is to serve the children of the world. In this pursuit, the organizations values were distilled to the Six Objects of Kiwanis International at the 1924 national convention in Denver, Colorado and remain today:
Spirit of Music
Did we mention we have a band? The Minot Kiwanis Orchestra started in 1926 and continues today with what we refer to as “The World-Famous Minot Kiwanis Band,” which plays at every weekly meeting. Members have included musicians in the Minot Symphony Orchestra, Minot City Band, Minot State University faculty, International Music Camp coordinators and other lifelong musicians. Minot legends Arturo Petrucci and Hardy Lieberg led the band for many years. If you come to a meeting, be prepared to sing a tune! Music and fellowship are important aspects of our club.
Club History
Minot’s Kiwanis Club became official in 1921 when it got its charter and has been serving Minot area youth ever since. Minot Kiwanis’ most famous fundraiser, Kiwanis Pancake Day, has been running for more than 50 years and has become a tradition for Minot families to go for all-you-can-eat cakes, to join friends and help Minot area kids. Many community leaders have been a part of Kiwanis’ long and rich history, one of the most notable being former North Dakota Governor, now North Dakota Senator John Hoeven.
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